Place value with three digit
Place value with three digit
Use place value understanding to round whole numbers to the nearest 10 or 100.


  • Students will correctly identify and label the hundreds, tens, and ones placed in a three-digit number. For example, in the number 385, students will be able to label 3 as 300 (hundreds), 8 as 80 (tens), and 5 as 5 (ones).
  • Students will compare two or more numbers by examining the hundreds, tens, and ones digits to determine which is larger or smaller (e.g., recognizing that 478 is greater than 465 because the tens digit is larger).
  • Students will use their understanding of ones, tens, and hundreds to round numbers to the nearest ten or hundred. For example, rounding 482 to 480 (nearest ten) or 500 (nearest hundred).

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The value of each digit in a number is known as the place value. The 5 in 5,006 signifies 5 thousands, or 5,000, whereas the 5 in 350 represents 5 tens, or 50. Children should be taught that, even though a digit may be the same, its value varies according to where it appears in the number.

Recognize place values of ones, tens, and hundreds:

Example 1:

In the number 462:

  • The digit 4 is in the hundreds place, so it represents 400.
  • The digit 6 is in the tens place, so it represents 60.
  • The digit 2 is in the ones place, so it represents 2.

Identify and label place values in three-digit numbers:

Example 2:

In the number 385:

  • The 3 is in the hundreds place, so it represents 300.
  • The 8 is in the tens place, so it represents 80.
  • The 5 is in the one's place, so it represents 5.

Students will learn to say that 385 is made up of 300 + 80 + 5.

Compose and decompose numbers using place value:

Example 3:

Decompose the number 275:

  • 275 is made up of:
  • 200 (2 hundreds),
  • 70 (7 tens),
  • 5 (5 ones).

Compare numbers using place value:

Example 4:

Compare 478 and 465:

  • Look at the hundreds place: Both numbers have a 4 in the hundreds place (400), so they are equal here.
  • Look at the tens place: 478 has a 7 (70), and 465 has a 6 (60). Since 70 is greater than 60, 478 is greater than 465.


Why it matters:

Understanding the place value of 3-digit numbers helps students grasp the concept of thousands, hundreds, tens, and ones. This knowledge is crucial for performing accurate calculations, comparing large numbers, and solving real-world problems like managing money or reading measurements. It builds a strong foundation for advanced math concepts.

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